Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pots 'O Gold...


We reach for Spirit’s touch,
To truly BE where we want to BE.
To bless all we have brings Spirit’s flow,
Filling our own Pot of Gold.
Now Spirit has a welcome home
And we fill it with blessings anew.

We have learned much about our minds through affirmations.

Then we expanded into visualizing – thru imagining, treasure maps, etc. We saw and experienced the power of our minds in these ways.
Then our wisdom teachings lead us to believing so strongly in our answers that we are to get into the feelings of being answered. Ah, THERE’S THE RUB!
Many times there is difficulty getting into this feeling of answered prayer. We feel empty – at a loss.
If we had something to do that could move us forward???
This is what our Pot of Gold is all about.

A clear glass container that will hold
your blessing items is chosen.
First – Take your Blessing Icon (chocolate nugget?) – identify the Blessings you do already have – housing, food, clothing, car, etc.
Second – As new Blessings occur – prayers answered – delightful surprises – creative ideas – take a Blessing Icon – hold it to your heart – consciously acknowledge the blessing
and add it to your Pot of Gold.

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