Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I criticize by creation...

Rolling Along With Merrily

"I criticize by creation - not by finding fault."

Michelangelo gave us a thoughtful, creative way of looking at situations. Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity Churches, presents this scenario - have a group listening to a newscast. Then ask each one to tell which story interested them. Out of the usual number of stories - perhaps 10 to 12, few in the group will choose the same one.

Mr. Fillmore suggests this is no accident - that the story each one chooses indicates that that person has part of the answer. Their life experience may give them the solution or part of the solution - or they may know someone who does have pertinent information.

Our word for today is to pay attention to that which interests us and be reflective about what we can do to assist in expanding the scope of its effects.

So, Friends, look to this day for the fruit of your own harvest.

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