Sunday, December 28, 2008

Movie view - Defending Your Life

Defending Your Life

This movie is logically comforting.  Most lines carry wisdom we trust is waiting for us.  Very thought-provoking.  Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep show levels of progress and forgiveness we trust carries some truth for us.  The balance of fun and evaluation is deftly handles.  A must see to keep for me.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Lion and the Lamb

The Lion laying down with a lamb is a strong symbol of peace to me. This has been my Christmas theme for cards and letters for many years.  Working for peacefulness within myself kept me focused for a long time - not realizing the triggers that would spring up in personal situations.
   I heard a powerful speaker one time, Vivian Castleberry, answer to another speaker from South Africa who was exiled at the time - during apartheid.  The African speaker relayed her poginant story of how we could not have peace until we had justice. 
   Vivian was thoughtful, as were we all.  We had gathered to discuss the upcoming "Global Women's Peace Conference,  Then she spoke to her Aftican "sister-"  If we have peace we can solve all of our problems - if we don't have peace, we cana't solve any of them."
    This stays with me as a weathervane for attitudes. 

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Sun Worship of the Sunflower

I learned today from the movie,Calendar Girls, that the sunflower follows the sun all day.  My namesake is the sunflower, and I'll take that path as an omen.  Merrily

the Power of Peace...

This has been a meaningful message to me all my life the lion and the lamb together...
We take it for granted now... but is it just a story? Are we capable of much more?
Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Utilizing Rudolf

On a foggy Christmas Eve Santa asked Rudolf a
question: Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?  In other words, how can we get you
to use your bright (red) nose?  How can we take advantage of what appears to be
a fault, a challenge, nay, a source of disfigurement and turn it into a
positive?  This is the Rudolf Question.   Rev.Leo Booth

We are often given something that draws attention to our uniqueness - a debilitation or even a talent that has been developed.  Sometimes we want to hide because we are "different."  There are no accidents - it's come to us because we have the inner guidance and/or strength to benefit the world in which we live.  Giving from our inner wisdom allows the benefit to come forth in the right way at the right time to be a blessings to those we meet.  Rudolph's red nose guided efficiently with the job at hand.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


To me these days, when I hear Obama, Biden, and others that have been chosen, I feel a sence of order and good management that I haven't hear in years.  I'm very hopeful and looking for my place to fit in with this new flow.   Merrily Smith

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Problems = Gifts

"There is no such thing as a problem without a gift - you seek problems because you need their gifts."
Richard Bach, author of "Illusions"

What a great book...

pic by Tiger Swami

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Superlative Christmas Carol

At the Dallas Theatre Center, is a totally vibrant depiction of the classic transformation of Scrooge. The stage is often filled with joy from the ensemble, sound effects abound to reflect Scrooge's dilemma and acting from all truly enthralls us at each stage of his mind set.
The essence of the play captures a heart-felt attitude from family and friends. The dialogue clearly show how he laid his cold-hearted path.
Performances continue until Dec. 28. Take a child, or let your inner child experience this joy.

Animal Buddies as Teachers

Animals care little for the differences between us and them and simply enjoy loving and being loved. Our pets encourage us to let our guards down, have fun, and take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy life.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Value of I Am

Everyone is subject to losing the delicate thread of I Am which is the only truth about identity, the lnly fact of the self that belongs to each of us without falsity, Deepak Chopra

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Animal Buddies as Teachers

Animals care little for the differences between us and them and simply enjoy loving and being loved. Our pets encourage us to let our guards down, have fun, and take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy life.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Peace is not a dream.

"Peace is not a dreamer's dream. but a real chance to transform our families, our communities, and our world. Chopra dares us to confront the notion that we are destined to relive history's transgressions. His call challenges us to exert ourselves as instruments for what should be our most urgent task: Constructing Peace." Deepak Chopra

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Monkey See Monkey Do

"As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." ~Nelson Mandela

What a neat insight into "Monkey See Monkey Do!"

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Doggie DNA

On Channel 5, NBC, this morning, Dec. 8, 2008, it is reported that doggie doo can be sent to a sample lab, the dna is checked and can be traced to the owner! A new blessing for lost animals, also. Hooray for science.

Monday, December 8, 2008



When I thought I’d have to come up with answers
To all that could happen to me in my life –
No wonder I was scared.

When I thought I was really lucky to make it thru another day –
No wonder I was scared.

There was an attack here, a squelch there – no matter what I did –
No wonder I was scared.

Long years went by – brass rings came and went
I caught a few and passed a lot –
I didn’t know I was so scared.

I filled my years – much was good “they” say – and I say, too.
I was wearing out my fears.

It had a name – more than one.
Faith showed me how to shine a light.
I saw fear fade!

It didn’t live so I could feel free –
I soared in Silence – and more could see
It’s me – clear and free.

My voice is heard, my step is seen
Others now can follow close
Free from fear our paths arose.

That light that shone became my own,
It’s always been there my soul has known
I travel now so free from fear –

I now know that God is near.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rockin' Your World

Recognizing that our bodies have innate intelligence, here is a way to utilize that intelligence to bring the clarity we often seek.
Stand erect - ask your question clearly - and notice if your body moves forward - giving you a "Yes," or back, giving you a "no." Test with known answers, then try with unknown answers. This is just one of many techniques you can use to give greater peace of mind.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Pronounce It GOOD ...

After creating the world, God pronounced it good. My paraphrase, but to me the message is clear and current. If we want to keep moving forward - pronounce our own world - Good!
I think our heaviest "sin" is when we feel stopped - just can't move forward - and it usually is when we have an anchor on the past, holding us in place until we find some way to lift the anchor - forgiveness in some form. Then we will feel the lifting.